You will need

  • Crescent rolls in a paper can. It’s available at Walmart next to the eggs. Usually, there are 8 rolls in each can. It’s much cheaper if you get it at Aldi (where I buy mine.)
  • ¼ pound ground chicken, turkey, beef, or pork. (Choose according to preference or availability.)
  • Half a cubic of Japanese curry. (I guess curry powder would also work.) The only point is to avoid using too much curry because the crescent rolls are already flavored.
  • Some sesame seeds.   

3 easy steps:

  • Stir fry ground meat with curry until curry is evenly spread in the meat.
  • Wrap the fried meat in crescent rolls.
  • Use water to stick sesame seeds on rolls and put them in the oven (375F) for 15 minutes.    

Viola! It’s ready to serve. It usually takes me 20 to 30 minutes max to make this dish.


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